
Thank you for visiting my website. I started it as a portfolio where prospective clients could see my work and get to know me and I still want it to serve that purpose. But I also want it to serve as a creative and experimental space where I can share my enthusiasm for research, writing and editing.

If you have an idea about something I can do for you or a project where we could collaborate, please contact me. I’d love to hear about it.

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Although Buffy is an External Affairs disaster assistance employee, because of her past history and involvement with Mitigation, we selected her for this assignment. Buffy did not disappoint us. She started in the Fargo office, researching leads, gathering photographs, working with a videographer. As the stories unfolded in the Red River Basin, Buffy was there to capture them. From drainage projects to large acquisitions, to flood insurance, Buffy gathered the information, contacts, and activities that went along with the largest recorded flood in Fargo’s history. Her notes turned into stories of achievement of the local communications and individuals who live there. Bringing to life how mitigation touched these individuals and their communities easing the recovery process and lessening the impacts to their lives.


FEMA supervisor, DR-1829 North Dakota, 2010

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