Buffy served as program liaison to various recovery support functions and other elements within FDRC (Federal Disaster Recovery Coordination) and served as back-up liaison to FDRC overall. Most of her work involved writing and editing. Her strong writing and editing skills and knowledge of FEMA programs and FDRC made Buffy and asset to P&P (Planning and Products) and EA (External Affairs). She facilitated EA awareness, input and oversight of many products and initiatives for FDRC, including an extensive Recovery Support Strategy and numerous fact packs created for the state to provide to communities on the road to recovery, as well as many other routine FDRC products. She built and maintained good working relationships with her counterparts in FDRC.

Additionally, Buffy drafted an op-ed piece published under the bylines of the federal coordinating officer and federal disaster recovery coordinator. She also drafted a strategic communications plan for recovery in anticipation of the transition of the JFO to a recovery office.

As a seasoned reservist, Buffy helped guide and mentor less experienced team members such as FEMA Corps and local hires. Buffy showed professionalism, attention to detail and accuracy in her work and maintained a good attitude in sometimes stressful situations that often come with working in a disaster recovery environment.


FEMA supervisor, Hurricane Sandy in New York, 2013 (DR4085)